Friday, June 17, 2005

Back to work again

Well I am back to work. I am working overtime today and tomorrow so this is going to be a really long week. Hopefully it will be a quiet week. With the weather being as nice as it has been, nobody wants to be here. But we make the most of it by grilling outside each night, throwing horse shoes, shooting our bows and hitting some golf balls. It has been pretty quiet today... so far, I am on the ambulance and the most exciting thing we have had is a pregnant woman wanting to get her B/P checked. she said she is due any minute. I sure hope she waits till I get off before she goes into labor. For what is supposed to be such a beautiful moment it sure is messy in the back of a moving box.

Ok, enough about work. I was unable to update anything last week because I didnt feel like it. ha ha. Actually we were out of town most of the time. And when we were home Marianne had a Honey-do list a mile long for me.

We did not make it down to the Gulkana River like we planned but we did got to the lake. There were no trophy fish caught, or any worth bragging about for that matter, but we did catch a lot. The kids had such a good time. Willie chased our new puppy around and Hailey caught tons of fish. Yes I did say we got another dog. I didn't want another one but my wants don't usually count. Marianne picked up a Jack Russell puppy named Rebel. He is 8 weeks old and seems to be a good dog. He gets along great with the kids and they love him. And that is really all that counts. Aside from me having to feed the thing. Anyways, back to the fishing, Hailey caught the biggest one, a Rainbow Trout about 23 1/2 inches long. Not a monster but a good fight for Hailey. She still won't touch a fish but she will fight them all day. Will spent most of the day chasing the puppy in and out of the water. He "helped" me with a few fish and loved it. He has no problem touching the fish, infact he can't keep his hands off them. He also can't keep his hands off the shrimp, he will eat the whole tray if you don't watch him. I like to fly fish but the kids aren't old enought to do that yet so I invented a shrimp jig for them to use. It works great but starts a lot of fights. People always come up and ask what the kids are using. I tell them shrimp but thats about it. I won't tell they how I rig it up or what else I use so when they don't catch anything they get angry. Especially when they see a 4 1/2 year old girl catching a fish on just about every cast.

The weather has been great. It is about 80 dergrees in the day and 65 - 70 at night. Although it is never really night. It looks the same at 2 a.m. as it does at 2 p.m. The sun never sets this time of year.

Well I have to hit the sack now. I will post pictures of our fishing trip later, and will write more tomorrow.


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